Mom's Knee Replacement Surgery

Well, it's Tuesday morning and I'm up early again... my mental morning alarm clock just can't seem to get ahold of the 3 hour time change between Georgia and Arizona.  I guess it's just as well because by the time I adjust to waking up later than 4:30am here, I'll not be able to sleep into 7:30am at home.  C'est la vie!

Alas, I pray that my mom had a decent night of sleep last night.  Doc Moultrie said that the knee replacement surgery went just perfect!  The "Low" of the day was that she had to stay in the recovery ward for 7 hours because they didn't have a room for her to rest her weary head. However, by 6pm, she was wheeled into a double room, fit with designer draw curtain, sardine-like, squashed in chair and side table.  Monday night was her first night staying at Northwest Hospital. Dad, the kids and I went to see her yesterday after dinner and she was in pretty good spirits (the meds hadn't worn off yet -smile).  I have a feeling today will be her toughest day because the numbness in her left leg will have dissipated and the exercises she has to do (to get her new bionic knee working correctly) will begin.  If you are reading this and it's Tuesday, June 28th or 29th, please say extra prayers that she will be perseverant and be able to withstand the pain that will come with the recovery process (esp. while in the hospital).  It won't be easy. 

Swimming with mom pre-surgery

The kids and I have been on somewhat of a "mini vacation" up to this point because we've been living up hours in the beautiful swimming pool here at mom and dad's house.  And what a view overlooking the golf course and mountain ranges!  Temps have certainly been warm enough to swim - 108-112 degree highs since Friday.  

Dad is going back to see mom this morning and then I'll go up later this afternoon to stay with her for a while.  I'm hoping that she will have other visitors also.  While she's going to have to do therapy, she's also a "people person" and she will enjoy having her friends come in and "love on" her a bit so that she doesn't grow lonely or discouraged.  I sent out an email to all her "peeps" yesterday saying she'd welcome visitors beginning this afternoon (Tuesday). I hope they take me up on it and at least stop by room 246 to say hello.  

That's about it for now.  I'm going to take the kids to see CARS 2 sometime this week and we're looking forward to a wonderful band and chorus concert scheduled for the July 4th weekend.  Mom should be home by Thursday afternoon, so maid and food service will be top priority at that point.  Dad/Poppa also has another surprise outing for the kids but I'll wait to post about that until it happens.  He already surprised Daniel and took her GOLFING on a Par-3, nine hole course Saturday.  As long as the boys are keeping busy and staying out of trouble mama is happy to hold down the roost! (Jah, jah)  Signing off for now. ~Karen

After surgery, 6/27/2011

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