I have been an awful "blogger" this last month... so I offer an apology to anyone out there who is actually try to stay up to date with our family via this site.  I think I'll post a lot of photos and see if I can tell about our last month through pictures.

We had Thankgiving at our house ON Thanksgiving Day,Greg FRIED up his first TURKEY!  He also smoked another turkey since we had a house-full.  I loved having so many people here.  It was awesome!  Our neighbors, the Lander family (Adam,Laura,Braden,Camden & Payton), joined us along with Andy, Lindsey & Lennox Turcotte, and Grammy & Grampy Turcotte. 

That afternoon, after my crew of guests had thoroughly helped in the cleaning up (which I thought was very generous!), all of us but the neighbors drove down to San Antonion to stay with Lindsey's folks, as well as her brother Gavin and his family. 
That night, we all watched the A&M VS. UT game... and revived after our "depression" by Black Friday shopping at MIDNIGHT at Old Navy.  Well, 5 of us went out that is... It was pretty fun, but I don't think Greg's going to make it a regular tradition.
That next day, Greg and I took our kids to the River Walk in San Antonio, and we had absolutely PERFECT weather for a day outdoors - 70 degrees or so from dawn till dusk. 
We met up with the relatives for lunch at Casa Rio and although the wait for the food was long, it was deeeeeelicious and a good time of fellowship!