K12 & Curriuclum - Schooling Has begun!!!

We officially started full-day schooling at home this past Monday, August 22nd, and it's going splendidly!  I had initiated a novel unit on Dear Mr. Henshaw last Wednesday.  We were reading it together and then answering some questions each morning to help us keep the 'ants out of our pants'.

Both Daniel and SaraKay enjoy reading very much, and they're both grade levels ahead, so I thought it would be a good challenge for me to structure a thematic, whole language unit for each of them that would allow them to work together, yet learn according to their level.  We are doing the same basic activities and questions, but expectations are different since DT is in 4th and SK is in 2nd. 

It's been encouraging to see each of the kids rooting each other on so as to read with expression as well as to just "do your best; the younger of the two kid-dos gets a bit overwhelmed at the thought of not being to answer something "perfectly." 
The kids also had PREP class orientation at WWHP Tuesday evening.  They'll be taking a beginning Spanish class as well as an ART class.  SaraKay is a little apprehensive about the spanish class but she's willing to give it a go.  Daniel is happy to do academic anything so he's pumped about getting to participate in both classes!

I will drive the kids to Cypress Bible Church for their classes every Wednesday afternoon, and they'll be there from 12:30pm until 2pm.  I'm hoping that I can get my Costco and Target-like errands done during the "mommy time off."  Ahhhh....

On Thursday afternoon, Daniel has beginner band.  Yes, he's in band, and he is soooo excited!  He had requested learning the drums last spring, and after finding the "INSTRUMENTS OF PRAISE" group here in Houston, we signed him up to learn both bells and snare with other kids 9-12, in a band setting.  IOP is a band for only homeschool and private christian school students.  There are 7 groups around Houston and they come together to play as one big band twice a year, as well as for some special concerts.  It's such a wonderful opportunity for Daniel!  I'm thrilled he gets to be a part!

Daniel plays using mallets and this kit has
an attachable snare drum pad as well.
Last weekend, the family and I drove 4 1/2 hours north to spend the weekend with Angela Dees and her girls.  Our dear friend, Vernon Dees, Angela's husband passed away a week ago today, and his memorial service was Saturday.  It was such a blessing to be able to spend the whole day Saturday with her and the girls, and I am thankful to my inlaws for hosting Greg & the kids at their house. 
Angela and I in her "Little Hearts Pre-K" classroom.  Manfield, TX

Sunday, we visited our old stomping grounds, The Church on Rush Creek, and I sang with the choir.  It was really fun!  I have missed my big ol' black gospel-lovin' worship pastor, Eric, as well as my alto peeps!  Pastor Russ spoke on what it means to have JOY in the midst of circumstances.  They are in the midst of a 30 DAYS TO LIVE study there at CRC.  After church, I met a couple of single friends as well as my sweet cousin, Barbara, at MiMi's for lunch.  It was nice to be able to catch up with these special people, even though it was Angela, on whom most of my attention was fixed last weekend. 
So now, we are back home in Houston... yes, I'm getting used to calling H-town HOME. 
The kids and I have been schooling for 3 full days.  Sarakay is using the material that I have put together for her 2nd grade year.  Daniel has been using the Mr. Henshaw unit questions to fuel his Reading, and I'm supplementing with a review of multiplication and division facts.  I've been waiting to hear from K12 that he's been accepted into the Texas Virtual Academy, and yesterday was a fantastic day, on that note!  I finally received his email of acceptance.  Today, Wednesday, our OLS online login was activated and we were actually able to log in attendance and begin with the online lessons.  I was stoked!

Curriculum Choices for SaraKay - 2nd :
Alpha & Omega - Language Gr 2; Horizon Gr 2 Math
PE through Wii Fit until after the move and then dance class at the YMCA;
God's Temple - Our Body as His Dwelling Place as a Health Study
Cursive Handwriting - Handwriting Without Tears, Year 1
K12 Social Studies and Science (with Daniel); PREP Classes: Spanish & ART
Bible - The Bible Reading Plan and & S.O.A.P. Journal; AWANA Sparks Year2 once/week
Daniel's Homeschool Curriclulum, Grade 4
K12 - Math Red Level, Gr. 4 Advanced; Spelling; Classical Lit. for Gr. 4,
Writing Through the Years; Health, Spanish 2
Science and Social Studies - Texas History; A Review of World History through the Rennaisance (with SaraKay); PREP Classes: Spanish & ART
Beginning Band - Snare and Mallets (bells) - One Day a Week
Bible - The Bible Reading Plan and & S.O.A.P. Journal; AWANA TNT once/week
Blessings to all as we go BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!

Offer Made; Now onto inspecting and picking over with a fine toothed comb..

Here we sit, and we are happy as clams, hoping for the best on our soon-to-be-new home.... we hope, we hope, we hope!  Maybe it's really that we're happy as crabs, because we now have two hermit crabs, who like to sleep the day away and party all night long!  We welcomed them into our family about a week ago.   

We made an offer last week on a lovely, 1977 home in the Memorial Northwest Neighborhood last Tuesday.  Our first offer was rejected but we kept at it.  By Friday night, the sellers had decided to accept our counter-offer and we made it official on Saturday, August 6th (my 37th birthday)!!! 
8218 Forest Ridge
Spring, Texas 77379

And now, we wait... and we plan, and we pray so that we don't put the cart in front of the horse.  Greg has Roy, the inspector coming out to meet with he and a pool specialist this Wednesday (tomorrow) and they will determine for us what needs to be fixed and what does not.  The kids have been officially enrolled in THE TURCOTTE ACADEMY for this semester and Daniel is awaiting approval from TxVA (K12) while I'll be using "Alpha&Omega" curriculum with SaraKay.  One or both of them may eventually be pulled from homeschooling and enrolled in Theiss Elementary, but for now, this is the most affordable and most flexible option for our family as we travel through this transition.  The kids and I are all actually looking forward to the adventure of homeschooling together beginning August 22nd. 
I had a wonderful birthday weekend!  Barry drove over after work and picked up the kids Friday afternoon, 8/5.  He, Adele, and Ryan took them to Chuck E. Cheese that evening while Greg and I went outlet mall shopping and out for Texas BBQ!  They (including Stephanie) all drove back up to GRINGOs the following morning and we met up for a birthday luncheon.  Barry's birthday is the 9th and mine the 6th, so we made it a double doozie and had a good time.  We stopped by the house we put the offer on on our way back to our apartment.  Once back at the apartment, we had chocolate mousse filled chocolate cake.  Yum -o!  Then, the adults as well as Daniel & SaraKay worked off a few calories by going swiming here at the complex.  That night, we drove up to the Woodlands and signed the contract papers.  We celebrated that by going to "The Cheesecake Factory." Oh... we were like stuffed ticks!  We walked the Woodlands Mall for a while but then headed home to fall into bed for a long night's sleep.  We visited Cypress Bible Church the following day and we are pretty sure we'll go back soon.